The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) emerged and was formed in England in the 1650s. It is a religious group based on the immediate experience of the Divine. Silence is the basis for worship, decision-making and other kinds of fellowship. Decisions are made not by voting but by seeking unity. Quakers find their home within the mystical traditions. With their commitment to non-violence, they are also among the historical peace churches and are decidedly activist, in the sense of striving for peace, human rights, justice, simplicity and sustainability. To 'speak truth to power' is a traditional way of expressing Quaker focus on helping to make the world a better place.

One of the first Swedish Quakers, Emilia's experience and writings are still fresh and appreciated by Quakers and non-Quakers alike.

It is exciting to gather with Quakers form all of the world. We have different traditions and histories but share common values.

The large gathering room at Svartbäcken has been used for worship, retreats, weddings, memorial meetings, yoga, concerts, children's camps.

Along with Quakers from Sweden and other countries, I participated in the demonstration against the armstrade at the 2018 Eurosatory in Paris.

Standing for what I believe, hours on end, at the Eurosatory was an important experience for me.
I was brought up in a Quaker home and attended Quaker boarding school during high school and got my BA from a Quaker liberal arts college. Later in life I attended the Quaker theological seminary in the USA and earned a Master of Divinity degree. From the very beginning, Quakers have founded schools for both girls and boys.
I worked for many years as a pedagogue to Quakers in Sweden and internationally. This involved teaching (mostly of an experimental nature), leading study groups in person and online, leading retreats based on Quaker methods.
My experience of working with non-Quakers using Quaker methods led me to write a handbook on Quaker methods for non-Quakers. It is my hope that these methods can contribute to more constructive and peacemaking interaction between people. The book is published by the Swedish Argument Förlag in 2025 with support of the Swedish Quakers. See at https://www.argument.se/
I look forward to helping the contents of the book to be used in various contexts, through giving talks, leading study groups and retreats etc.
If you want to know more, please click here:
Link to www.kvakarna.se