April 5, 2019
I was a free-flying fellow until the day Julia returned from the maternity hospital in November, 1976 with her firstborn. My jealousy shocked us all. I attacked Julia and bit her badly. I screamed all night. We were all so confused. I was put into a large cage, moved next door to Julia's parents-in-law. They took good care of me, and Julia saw me nearly daily, but I was angry with her and lunged at her whenever she came close. I watched as her four children arrived and grew up -- they spent lots of time at their grandparents' house. Mats could pet me through the cage bars, but I was not let out.
In 2007 the parents-in-law had both died. I returned to Mats and Julia, still angry with her. After a few years Mats began letting me out now and then. He and I were fine together, even after 40 years! But Julia could not come close. I had forgotten how to fly, so as long as she stayed a distance from me she was safe. Otherwise I lunged at her. It was her turn to be jealous when she saw how Mats and I could interact just like in the good old days of our youth.
One evening, I did something that changed everything. I had seen how Julia was struggling with grief and depression...her mother's recent death was so hard for her. I walked over to her place at the table, ate from her plate and then climbed up on her shoulder. It was our first physical contact in 43 years.
Everything changed. Julia became cheerful again. She promised me I would never be caged or left alone again. She has kept her promise. Now we go everywhere together and I am happy with life and all the people I meet on the street, trains and buses, coffee houses and musical events. I am quiet in Quaker meeting and sing on the escalators. I am not afraid of anything and do not feel any aggression toward anyone. We are happy together.